@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000222, author = {Huq Mohammad, Jobayer and 清水, 一道 and SHIMIZU, Kazumichi and 楠本, 賢太 and KUSUMOTO, Kenta and Purba, Riki Hendra and Gaqi, Yila}, issue = {4}, journal = {International Journal of Metalcasting}, month = {Apr}, note = {The damage due to wear is rigorous both financially and environmentally. Developing a wear resistant material is the prerequisite to reduce cost due to wear related damage and ensure a green environment. High chromium white cast iron (HCCI) is highly valuated owing to its prominent wear resistance behavior. The combined effect of added Ti and C with HCCI to tackle the erosive wear is investigated in this paper. Ti and C are supplemented in variable percentages. TiC precipitation happens due to Ti addition, while M7C3 experience noticeable refinement in the matrix. The TiC crystallization results to shortage of C in the matrix and M7C3 refinement leads to lower hardness. The enhancement in the percentage of added Ti deteriorates the hardness causing to foster the wear rate. On the contrary, the increase in carbon content advances the hardness which reduces the wear rate. It is believed that the previously consumed C by Ti weekens the matrix. However, increment in C strengthen it with coarse carbide M7C3. Among the three series of test specimens with 3, 3.5, and 4wt%C contents, greater hardness is observed in 4wt%C, contributing to highest wear resistance. This study figured out that the chemical composition of minimal Ti and maximum C with HCCI can resist the erosive wear substantially.}, pages = {2535--2549}, title = {Effect of Carbon and Titanium Addition on Erosive Wear Behavior of High Chromium White Cast Irons}, volume = {17}, year = {2023}, yomi = {シミズ, カズミチ and クスモト, ケンタ} }