@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005682, author = {JARHEN, Manav and 加尓肯, 馬拉夫 and 穂積, 準 and HOZUMI, Hitoshi and 吉田, 英樹 and YOSHIDA, Hideki and 吉田, 智志 and YOSHIDA, Satoshi and 菅原, 崇 and SUGAWARA, Takashi}, journal = {環境工学研究論文集}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, Experimental studies were carried out to investigate and compare coagulation and filtration characteristics of secondary wastewater effluent with aluminum sulfate (alum), poly aluminum chloride (PAC) and ferric chloride. Coagulation properties of secondary wastewater effluent, such as optimum coagulation pH, coagulation efficiency for turbidity and color and size distribution of floc particles, were almost the same when alum and PAC were used as coagulants. The optimum pH range for coagulation of turbidity and color with aluminum coagulants were 4.5-6.0, and with ferric chloride 3.5-4.5. Ferric iron coagulant had the same effects on coagulation of turbidity and floc formation as aluminum coagulants, but had higher effect on coagulation of color. The over-all removal efficiency for turbidity as well as color and the run length of the filter were almost the same and decreased with an increase in filtration rate when aluminum coagulants were used. The other hand, the efficiency did not change with filtration rate and the decrease in filter run length with filtration rate was smaller when ferric iron coagulant was used. The efficiency for color removal was better and the filter run length was longer in filtration with coagulation by ferric iron coagulant than aluminum coagulants.}, pages = {391--398}, title = {硫酸ばん土、PAC及び塩化第二鉄による下水2次処理水の凝集直接ろ過}, volume = {34}, year = {1997}, yomi = {ホズミ, ヒトシ and ヨシダ, ヒデキ and ヨシダ, サトシ and スガワラ, タカシ} }