@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006059, author = {青山, 剛 and AOYAMA, Takeshi and 大坂谷, 吉行 and OSAKAYA, Yoshiyuki and 櫨山, 知花 and HAZEYAMA, Chika}, issue = {15}, journal = {日本建築学会技術報告集}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, Industrial sightseeing is noteworthy in diversification of sightseeing needs. It is defined as a sightseeing course to include at least one industrial heritage. Muroran City had grown up as a heavy industrial city and a port city until 1971. The present situation and issues of industrial sightseeing in Muroran City were analyzed through the questionnaire to participants of factories sightseeing event. Experience to make something in young generation, combination of industrial heritages and sightseeing boat to see natural coastal viewpoints, watching whales or dolphins and restaurants were requested and should be considered to make program industrial sightseeing.}, pages = {307--312}, title = {室蘭市における産業観光の可能性}, year = {2002}, yomi = {アオヤマ, タケシ and オオサカヤ, ヨシユキ} }