@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00006153, author = {千歩, 修 and SENBU, Osamu and 松村, 光太郎 and MATSUMURA, Kotaro and 濱, 幸雄 and HAMA, Yukio and 友澤, 史紀 and TOMOSAWA, Fuminori}, issue = {17}, journal = {日本建築学会技術報告集}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, A new prediction method for frost deteriorations of reinforced concrete buildings using equivalent cycles to the ASTM test is proposed. In the method, severity of the freezing and thawing is expressed by the equivalent cycles to the ASTM test. The equivalent cycles to the ASTM test for some members of buildings means that the members receive same deterioration as cycles of freezing and thawing test of ASTM C666 A method. Effects of curing conditions and freezing conditions and so on are determined by results of data analyses of freezing and thawing tests. The equivalent cycles to the ASTM test for regions are determined by the extremal value of minimum temperature of the region, and the result is achieved by exposure tests and analyses of weather data. An easy method for determining the regional condition using the post code and altitude is proposed.}, pages = {49--53}, title = {ASTM相当サイクルを用いた鉄筋コンクリート造建築物の凍害劣化予測手法の提案}, year = {2003}, yomi = {センブ, オサム and マツムラ, コウタロウ and ハマ, ユキオ and トモサワ, フミノリ} }