@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00007720, author = {安藤, 公二 and ANDO, Koji and 武田, 力 and TAKEDA, Tsutomu and 高森, 憲雄 and TAKAMORI, Norio and 村守, 俊昭 and MURAMORI, Toshiaki}, issue = {3}, journal = {室蘭工業大学研究報告. 理工編, Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology. Science and engineering}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf}, pages = {777--784}, title = {横型攪拌槽の攪拌所要動力 : 槽長および邪魔板の影響}, volume = {7}, year = {1972}, yomi = {アンドウ, コウジ and タケダ, ツトム and タカモリ, ノリオ and ムラモリ, トシアキ} }