@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008046, author = {坂西, 八郎 and SAKANISHI, Hachiro}, journal = {室蘭工業大学研究報告. 文科編, Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology. Cultural science}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, There have been many standpoints from which to observe the phenomena of folklore. Hermann Strobach from the standpoint of Marxism analyzes the relationship between social development and folklore. He finds that the creative activity of the people is the most important moment for the formation of the variations in the field of "oral tradition"}, pages = {61--80}, title = {ドイツ民謡の収集と研究について-研究資料・編訳 : ドイツ民主共和国・ベルリン科学アカデミー・歴史学-民俗学中央研究所 ヘルマン・シュトローバハ「ドイツ民衆文芸入門」・歌曲(1.収集と研究)-Ⅲ}, volume = {35}, year = {1985}, yomi = {サカニシ, ハチロウ} }