@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008061, author = {窪田, 英樹 and KUBOTA, Hideki and 鎌田, 紀彦 and KAMATA, Norihiko and 鈴木, 大隆 and SUZUKI, Hirotaka}, journal = {室蘭工業大学研究報告. 理工編, Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology. Science and engineering}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, This paper presents a new approach to predict temperature of building under intermittent heating applying lumped constant system. It shows that three "time constants". calculated from thermal capacities and thermal resistances of the building, characterize the pattern of changing temperature of the building. The authors give a theoretical basis for applying thermal lumped system to predicting transient temperature of a massive building using Biot number. This model includes three processes; cooling down and heating up of massive materials (walls and slabs), and warming up of air and furnitures. Cooling process, that is all materials losing heat through windows and outside walls, and by infiltrating air, has a time constant for a curve of mean declining temperature which rages from 70 to 300 hours. Through heating, the slabs and walls obtain heat from warm air which has been controled at the set up temperature. A time constant, for a curve of mean rising temperature of these materials, rages from 10 to 20 hours. This paper will also show that the temperature of air and furnitures rises to set up temperature within about two hours after heating started.}, pages = {155--163}, title = {室温変動解析における集中定数近似}, volume = {36}, year = {1986}, yomi = {クボタ, ヒデキ and カマタ, ノリヒコ and スズキ, ヒロタカ} }