@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008346, author = {溝端, 一秀 and MIZOBATA, Kazuhide and 中谷, 淳 and NAKAYA, Jun and 成田, 志門 and NARITA, Shimon and 吉田, 拓史 and YOSHIDA, Hiroshi and 杉山, 弘 and SUGIYAMA, Hiromu and 永田, 晴紀 and NAGATA, Harunori and 伊藤, 献一 and ITO, Ken-ichi and 秋葉, 鐐二郎 and AKIBA, Ryojiro and 大和田, 陽一 and OOWADA, Yoichi}, journal = {室蘭工業大学紀要, Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, Hybrid rocket motors, propelled by a combination of a solid fuel and a liquid oxidizer, are best suited to development of small launch systems in university laboratories, becauee af their advantageous characteristics such as Bafety, easy handling. and law costs. The performance of hybrid rocket motors of three classes of thrust - 10tonf, 1tonf, and 200kgf - is estimated. The feasibility of reusable winged launch systems based on the three motors is prelirninarily analyzed for suborbital micro-gravity experiments. The results tell that a sysbem with a 10tonf-class motor by a coolant bleed cycle with polystyrene and LOx fed by an LE-5B turbopump will be capabre of exposing a payload of 360kg to a micro-gravity environment for three minutes. It is also predictied that a system with a 1tonf-class motor will be moderately capable and that with a 200kgf-class motor will not be feasible for micro gravity missions mainly because the weight of its helium pressurization system for feeding LOx will reduce the mass fraction., 小特集 : 「室蘭工大における航空宇宙工学研究の新展開」}, pages = {91--97}, title = {再使用型有翼ハイブリットロケットシステムの基本設計と飛行性能予測}, volume = {51}, year = {2001}, yomi = {ミゾバタ, カズヒデ and ナカヤ, ジュン and ナリタ, シモン and ヨシダ, ヒロシ and スギヤマ, ヒロム and ナガタ, ハルノリ and イトウ, ケンイチ and アキバ, リョウジロウ and オオワダ, ヨウイチ} }