@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008347, author = {笠原, 次郎 and KASAHARA, Jiro and 新井, 隆景 and ARAI, Takakage and 高沢, 光貴 and TAKAZAWA, Kouki and 松尾, 亜紀子 and MATSUO, Akiko}, journal = {室蘭工業大学紀要, Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, Five-mm-diameter projectiles, whose speed was beyond the Chapman-Jouguet (C-J) detonation speed, were fired into mixtures containing stoichiometric hydrogen-oxygen gases plus argon diluents. The flowfield around the projectile was visualized using a CCD cameta. We measured the minimum normal velocity components of detonation waves around the projectiles and the curvature radius of a bow detonation wave near the projectile tip. From these experimental results we concluded that the steady-state C-J detonation wave is stabiljzed around a projectile when the curvature radius of a bow detonation wave near the projectile is larger than 8.6 times of the detonation cell size (transverse wave spacing)., 小特集 : 「室蘭工大における航空宇宙工学研究の新展開」}, pages = {85--90}, title = {極超音速飛行体が維持する斜めチャップマン-ジュゲデトネーション波の研究}, volume = {51}, year = {2001}, yomi = {カサハラ, ジロウ and アライ, タカカゲ and タカザワ, コウキ and マツオ, アキコ} }