@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00008506, author = {永野, 宏治 and NAGANO, Koji and IWASA, Tatsuo and 岩佐, 達郎 and 安居, 光國 and YASUI, Mitsukuni and 松山, 春男 and MATSUYAMA, Haruo and 吉田, 洋一 and YOSHIDA, Yoichi and 大見, 英明 and OMI, Hideaki}, journal = {室蘭工業大学紀要, Memoirs of the Muroran Institute of Technology}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Carbon footprint of products (CFP) is a term used to describe the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by a particular activity or entity. It is our mission to clarify problems to realize the CFP forsale of foods in supermarkets. Another mission is to calculate the CFP of some items of foods. The Center of Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation for Advanced Research in Muroran Instituteof Technology started a collaboration project with Coop Sapporo in 2008. In this project, technologies that reduced CO2 in supermarkets have been investigated. Our research is one of the collaboration project. We made a data sheet in which necessary and sufficient data are collected for calculation of the CFP. We calculated the CFP in 16 products and the results have been shown in shops of CoopSapporo in March 2010. We developed software that helps the calculation of the CFP of foods., 特集 : Muroran IT-CO2OPプロジェクト-2 : コープさっぽろと室蘭工業大学環境科学・防災研究センターの共同研究第2期報告}, pages = {3--11}, title = {温室効果ガス削減を目指したカーボンフットプリントの店頭展示への取り組み}, volume = {61}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ナガノ, コウジ and イワサ, タツオ and ヤスイ, ミツクニ and マツヤマ, ハルオ and ヨシダ, ヨウイチ and オオミ, ヒデアキ} }