@article{oai:muroran-it.repo.nii.ac.jp:00009759, author = {田中, 優貴 and TANAKA, Yuki and 小室, 雅人 and KOMURO, Masato and 荒木, 恒也 and ARAKI, Nobuya and 今野, 久志 and KONNO, Hisashi and 西, 弘明 and NISHI, Hiroaki}, journal = {鋼構造年次論文報告集, Proceedings of constructional steel}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, In this paper, to properly evaluate the dynamic response behavior of diamond-shaped wire net used for rock protection structures, three dimensional elasto-plastic impact response analyses were performed. Here, two types of modeling for wire net were employed: simple membrane model and detailed beam model. An applicability of the proposed analysis methods was confirmed comparing with the experimental results. From this study, following results were obtained: 1) the central deflection of wire net can be appropriately estimated by applying both models; 2) although the tension forces of vertical wire-ropes were tend to be overestimated, the horizontal ones may be properly estimated by using proposed method; and 3) the anisotropic deformation behavior of wire net can be properly estimated by applying beam model.}, pages = {144--151}, title = {落石防護工に使用するひし形金網のモデル化に関する一検討}, volume = {24}, year = {2016}, yomi = {タナカ, ユウキ and コムロ, マサト and アラキ, ノブヤ and コンノ, ヒサシ and ニシ, ヒロアキ} }